What Causes Popcorn to Pop?

Hina Sarwar

There's certainly extra to popcorn than scraping it off the cob and throwing it into butter to make popcorn. Popcorn kernels undergo strict processing earlier than it finally ends up as the popcorn to your bowl as you watch your favorite night TV show. Among the five types of corn, popcorn is the only variety that pops in a steady and regular manner. The other corn types can pop when uncovered to very excessive temperatures, however, they do not get that picture ideal, near white consistency that goes into commercially prepared popcorn you get from the grocery store cabinets.

The secret to that eye-catching popcorn consistency is extremely just water. Each corn kernel that is going into the popping device consists of a regulated amount of water in order for it to pop uniformly and fantastically. Popcorn growers and processors try and maintain the water content material level in every kernel at thirteen.Five% to get the best popping results. Water is stored within the smooth, starch-based coating that wraps each popcorn kernel. 

A secondary layer of difficult starch serves because the very last outer coating, protecting in all moisture till the kernel is uncovered to high temperature. Water contained within heats up when positioned underneath high temperatures and the outer difficult starch coating tries to preserve it. The Best Popcorn kernels expand with excessive pressure and heat till the outer coating can now not preserve, then the complete kernel explodes, turning its interior out. Water is launched in steam form while the corn pops.

Other corn sorts own similar kernel anatomy however their starch coatings are not robust enough to keep a great quantity of pressure whilst heated. So the kernel does no longer pop to ideal consistency and length like the authentic popcorn variety. So, there you have it - it is a plain and simple corn kernel, however, the story that goes into its transformation into the maximum famous amusement snack item is just as first-rate because of the films we watch as we munch on them.

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